Really Free Speech
For free speech. Against far-right lies and intimidation
London Man Led Chants at Plymouth Race Riot
Categories: General

Nick Tenconi speaking into a microphone with Plymouth Civic Centre in the background. He is wearing a white shirt and black jacket. Skinhead with a short beard and mustache

The racists in Plymouth on Monday didn’t smash much. But they had a go. Several windows done in. Bottles and bricks thrown at the counter-protest. Thankfully most fireworks they chucked landed on their own side, or on the police. They put several people in hospital. Without antifascists out to confront them there’s no doubt they would have wreaked havoc

Now we need to ask – who are these race rioters who tried to terrorise people? Some of them were local and we are working hard to put names to faces (more on that soon!). But some of them came a long way to stir up hatred. People like Nick Tenconi, leader of UKIP and officer for Turning Point UK. He travelled down 200 miles from London! He was seen leading chants and riling up the crowd

After a series of miserable failures trying to protest against drag queens in London, it seems he thought he’d have an easier time of it down here? Tough luck, he still got massively outnumbered on Monday

After he was exposed by London antifascists he’s even taken to twitter to boast about his role in Plymouth. He took a video of himself here:

Young woman sat on the ground in front of a pub, bleeding from her face and holding her head

One of the women attacked by a crowd Nick Tenconi was leading in London

You can read more about Nick Tenconi in this report by Red Flare. In Turning Point UK he is in charge of a whatsapp group where people plan violence. Talking about beating up antifascists and selling knuckle-dusters. He admits he’s a fan of Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed two people at a protest in the US. He also openly hates women, saying women can be at blame for abuse for dressing “like a whore on nights out” and that he “dated volatile, unstable psychos because it was fun”. This is not someone just out to protest or make speeches

Now, about what he said. For those lucky enough not to know – “two teir policing” is a conspiracy theory that either white or right-wing people get treated worse by police than minorities and the left. It’s utter nonsense. Just compare like for like. In 2021 Ryan Roberts from Plymouth got 14 years in prison, accused of setting fire to a police van in Bristol during the Kill the Bill protests. Today (7th August) a race rioter accused of doing the same thing in Merseyside got just 30 months. (source) They were charged differently. But that’s the point. They charged Kill the Bill protesters with “riot” to set an example. They constantly harass and brutalise black and brown people in the UK. The racist white men get off lightly because the establishment see them as one of their own

The only reason these white race rioters think the policing on them is harsh, is because they’ve never seen it before. They never gave enough of a damn to see what police were doing to people who didn’t think and look like them. In reality, the racists are getting treated with kid gloves. I guarantee if anyone else threw fireworks that hit police, as happened in Plymouth this week, police would of started bashing heads in right then and there. Our local police have even endorsed the far right in the past, this isn’t new

Nick Tenconi sat in a cafe with a police officer

Nick Tenconi sat in a cafe having a laugh and a chat with a cop. So much for “two teir policing”!

Nick Tenconi himself is no stranger to collaborating with the police. In London he was seen telling them which antifascists to arrest and drinking tea laughing with police afterwards. Now tell us who is getting two-teir policed?? (source 1 and source 2)

His claims about peaceful protest are also nonsense. When his side were chucking fireworks and bricks and bottles he had nothing to say. He pretends it didn’t happen. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the truth doesn’t matter to these people. They will tell their followers anything, if it gets them what they want. There is no way to “debate” them into changing course. They have to be resisted and stopped. By any means necessary

(on that note, he also runs a business as a personal trainer – Tenco Training. Mobile number 07912571779. Email )

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